Development Guide


  1. Introduction
  2. Resources
  3. Libraries
  4. Set up Eclipse with Maven
  5. Add new language
  6. Code structure


In this section you can find a guide that describes how to set up a development environment using Eclipse to modify the source code and deploy the BioEnergy Allocation and Simulation Tool (BEAST).

The source code is available from the SourceForge repository: and comes to you under the GNU Public License (GPL) v3.


The BEAST comes with the following additional resources:

barchart_large.pngGNU LGPLOxygen Team, http://www.oxygen-icons.org
barchart_small.pngGNU LGPLOxygen Team, http://www.oxygen-icons.org
cross.pngCC BY 2.5Mark James
form.pngCC BY 2.5Mark James
gis_large.pngCC BY 3.0images.clipartpanda.com
help.pngCC BY 3.0Aha-Soft Team, http://www.aha-soft.com
linechart_large.pngGNU LGPLOxygen Team, http://www.oxygen-icons.org
linechart_small.pngGNU LGPLOxygen Team, http://www.oxygen-icons.org
minus.pngCC BY 2.5Axialis Team
plus.pngCC BY 2.5Axialis Team
simulate.pngGNU GPLSaki, http://sa-ki.deviantart.com
spidergraph.pngGNU LGPLOxygen Team, http://www.oxygen-icons.org


The BEAST makes use of the following libraries:

log4j2Apache License Version 2.0
JUnitApache License Version 2.0
Apache Commons LangApache License Version 2.0
opencsvApache License Version 2.0
EclipseLinkEclipse Public License - v 1.0
JGoodies FormLayoutBSD Open Source License (version 2)
GeoToolsLGPL v3
JFreechartLGPL v3
launch4jLGPL v3
jportableOracle BCL
MathJaxApache License Version 2.0

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