Add new language
Add language
Label texts of the GUIs are filled from files located in the subfolder languages.
It is possbile to add new languages by copying the files and rename them by changing the language code
at the end of the file name following this pattern: filename_
The default language is defined in the file conf/conf.xml in the section:
<entry> <key>lang</key> <value>en</value> </entry>
Using the menu item Extra > Language selection of the ScenarioGenerator the entry can be changed via the GUI. Changing the language can also be done directly in the file. After changing the language key a restart of the system is necessary.
The ComboBox of the language selection GUI is filled from the following section of the file conf/conf.xml:
<languages> <entry> <key>de</key> <value>Deutsch</value> </entry> <entry> <key>en</key> <value>English</value> </entry> </languages>
To make a newly added language available to the GUI selection menu you have to add it to this languages section of the conf.xml file accordingly.