Documentation - Parameter Prolongation
The inputs of the parameter prolongation are the parameter values from the parameters.xml file.
The following tables show the parameters from parameters.xml that are used.
From section forestParams:
Name | Unit | Description |
startyear | a | Start year of period the parameters are valid for |
periodLength | a | Length of simulation step |
From the same section but for each assortment (stemWood, industrialWood, restWood):
Name | Unit | Description |
basePrice | EUR/cubic meter | Basic price per solid cubic meter at the beginning of simulation period |
priceChange | % | Annual price change in simulation period |
baseCosts | EUR/cubic meter | Basic costs per solid cubic meter at the beginning of simulation period |
costChange | % | Annual price change in simulation period |
From section landscapeParams:
Name | Unit | Description |
startyear | a | Start year of period the parameters are valid for |
periodLength | a | Length of simulation step |
basePrice | EUR/ton (dry) | Basic price at start of simulation |
priceChange | % | Annual price change percentage |
baseCosts | EUR/ton (dry) | Basic costs of harvesting at start of simulation |
costChange | % | Annual cost change percentage |
From section srcParams:
Name | Unit | Description |
startyear | a | Start year of period the parameters are valid for |
periodLength | a | Length of simulation step |
From the same section but for each field crop (wheat, barley, maize, sugarBeet, rape):
Name | Unit | Description |
basePrice | EUR/dt | Basic price at the beginning of simulation period |
priceChange | % | Annual price change in simulation period |
baseVarCosts | EUR | Basic variable costs |
baseLabourCosts | EUR | Basic labour costs |
varCostsChange | % | Annual change of variable costs in simulation period for the variable |
labourCostsChange | % | Annual change of labour costs in simulation period for the variable costs |
baseYieldPercent | % | Yield correction percentage |
yieldChange | % | Annual yield change in simulation period |
From the same section but for SRC (src):
Name | Unit | Description |
basePrice | EUR/dt | Basic price at the beginning of simulation period |
priceChange | % | Annual price change in simulation period |
baseVarCosts | EUR | Basic variable costs |
baseVarCostsCreation | EUR/ha | Basic variable costs of initial plantation creation |
baseVarCostsDismanteling | EUR/ha | Basic variable costs of dismanteling of plantation |
baseLabourCosts | EUR | Basic labour costs |
varCostsChange | % | Annual change of variable costs in simulation period for the variable |
varCostsChangeCreation | % | Annual change of variable costs of planation creation in simulation period for the variable |
varCostsChangeDismanteling | % | Annual change of variable costs of plantation dismanteling in simulation period for the variable |
labourCostsChange | % | Annual change of labour costs in simulation period for the variable costs |
There are several parameters with corresponding change rates (e.g., prices and costs). The design of the architecture of the system is that the simulation periods work independently from each other. Therefore, the parameters of the one simulation period have to be prolongated to the start of the next simulation period. This is done automatically with the ParameterProlongator to keep the GUI for inputting parameter values for the user as simple as possible. The processes computed in the ParameterPolongator are described in the following.
First, the start year for the different sections in the parameter file are updated to the new simulation period by beeing incremented by periodLength.
Second, the base yields of the different field crops are prolonged to the start of the new simulation period by the corresponding annual change:
$baseYieldPercent = baseYieldPercent * ({{1+yieldChange} \over 100})^{periodLength}$
Next, the different prices of field crops, SRC, wood outside forest, and of the different forest wood assortments are prolonged following this schema:
$basePrice=basePrice * ({{1+priceChange} \over 100})^{periodLength}$
The same is done for the costs.
For the variable costs of field crops and SRC:
$baseVarCosts=baseVarCosts * ({{1+varCostsChange} \over 100})^{periodLength}$
For the costs of initial creation of SRC fields and the dismanteling at the end:
$baseVarCostsCreation=baseVarCostsCreation * ({{1+varCostsChangeCreation} \over 100})^{periodLength}$
$baseVarCostsCreation=baseVarCostsDismanteling * ({{1+varCostsChangeDismanteling} \over 100})^{periodLength}$
For the labour costs of field crops and SRC:
$baseLabourCosts=baseLabourCosts * ({{1+labourCostsChange} \over 100})^{periodLength}$
For the base costs of wood outside forest and the different forest wood assortments:
$baseCosts=baseCosts * ({{1+costChange} \over 100})^{periodLength}$